
Facebook Campaign Objectives: What’s The Best Option?

Facebook Campaign Objectives: What’s The Best Option?

Who has never created a Facebook Ads campaign and was left with doubts when choosing the objective that casts the first stone? Choosing Facebook’s campaign goals is not an easy task, but it is extremely important to ad performance and should be done based on the brand’s macro goals.

Before creating your ad, you need to think about the reason for the campaign:

  • Why will it be released?
  • What do you hope to achieve?
  • What do you want people to do when they see your ad?

To, from then on, select the audience segmentation, channels, and ad placement linked to your goal; that’s the only way you’ll have more chances to leverage your results. Have you used or are familiar with the Facebook Ad Manager campaign objectives? If your answer is no, you are in the right place! In this post, we’ll give you everything you need to know about Facebook’s campaign goals, with practical examples, so you never get your campaigns wrong again. Follow up!

What are Facebook campaign goals, and how do they work?

Within the Facebook Ad Manager, there are 11 marketing goals divided into three categories:

  • Recognition: generate recognition about new offers, brands, services, and products.
  • Consideration: generate traffic to different channels, leads, and engagement with users, directing them to install apps and send messages.
  • Conversion: ads to generate sales. More assertive campaigns aimed at generating conversions, sales and taking users to the physical establishment of the business.

This division is very similar to the consumer’s buying journey, in which the consumer goes through a process of recognition and consideration of the brand before making the conversion itself.

Brand Recognition (Recognition)

The first objective you see in the tool, within the “Recognition” step, is brand recognition which can be done by promo-republic for example. This objective is to present or reinforce the brand’s presence to users. Campaigns with this objective are typically used at the moment of discovery between potential customers and the brand. The negative point is that this objective is mostly applied around intangible actions, which makes it difficult to assess their effectiveness in monetary terms.

When to use it?

Brand recognition is ideal for brands with market share but does not yet have a large audience. With the objective and target audience selected, the campaign will be broadcast to people who already know or are interested in learning about the business. As the brand wants to be recognized, the idea is to create attractive ads that catch the public’s attention and are memorable, so that impacted users remember the brand. Check https://promorepublic.com/en/  for more information on this.